Belarus. Pharmaceutical distributors in Belarus - Vitfarmmarket
"Vitfarmmarket" / "Farmmarket" / "Farmmarket plus"
A group of distributional and retail companies, which is controlled by vitebchanamibrothers Leonid and Valery Tomchin, is one of the leaders in terms of sales on the Belarusian pharmaceutical market.
According to "Pharmexpert" Vitfarmmarket's distributional business was at 5th place in 2010 with 4.4% market share, and retail business - on the 6th with 25 regional pharmacies.
But, at least, in retail, their position really should be higher. Because it is notconsidered one of their assets, which combines Minsk pharmacies. This is a company"Farmmarket plus."
This project arose after the memorial withdrawal in the early 2000s, a number of licenses from Belarusian medical and pharmaceutical companies. Besides the already mentioned "Belfarma" problem then arose and another major retailer - "Nordin". Aggravated outer reel and internal disputes between the owners of this business. It was then and there Tomchin brothers who have leased about 15 small, but very "paint" located pharmacies "Nordin" in various parts of the Belarusian capital. According to information from market participants, Tomchin control these pharmacies to this day.
A group of distributional and retail companies, which is controlled by vitebchanamibrothers Leonid and Valery Tomchin, is one of the leaders in terms of sales on the Belarusian pharmaceutical market.
According to "Pharmexpert" Vitfarmmarket's distributional business was at 5th place in 2010 with 4.4% market share, and retail business - on the 6th with 25 regional pharmacies.
But, at least, in retail, their position really should be higher. Because it is notconsidered one of their assets, which combines Minsk pharmacies. This is a company"Farmmarket plus."
This project arose after the memorial withdrawal in the early 2000s, a number of licenses from Belarusian medical and pharmaceutical companies. Besides the already mentioned "Belfarma" problem then arose and another major retailer - "Nordin". Aggravated outer reel and internal disputes between the owners of this business. It was then and there Tomchin brothers who have leased about 15 small, but very "paint" located pharmacies "Nordin" in various parts of the Belarusian capital. According to information from market participants, Tomchin control these pharmacies to this day.
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