Ukraine. Import of drugs to Ukraine: customs procedures
By joint Decree of the MHC of Ukraine and the State Customs Service of Ukraine dd. 08.06.2001 #224/387 «On approval of Procedure for keeping and use of interdepart-mental data base of drugs registered in Ukraine» the interdepartmental data base on drugs registered in Ukraine has been implemented. This data base contains information of the State Drug Register and is submitted by the MHC of Ukraine in digital and printed form with a cover letter from the State Customs Service. The data base is used by officials of the State Customs Service within limits of their powers as information source for purposes of customs clearance of freights at the destination customs.
Pursuant to the Decree of the State Customs Service dd. 22.06.2006 #514 preferential conditions for a drug can be applied only provided registration of such drug in the interdepartmental data base of drugs registered in Ukraine or provided submission of an original or a copy of the registration certificate, or confirmation of the state drug registration issued by the MHC of Ukraine, confirmation of the drug manufacturer according to the registration certificate (shipping documentation, labeling).
Pursuant to the Decree of the State Customs Service dd. 22.06.2006 #514 preferential conditions for a drug can be applied only provided registration of such drug in the interdepartmental data base of drugs registered in Ukraine or provided submission of an original or a copy of the registration certificate, or confirmation of the state drug registration issued by the MHC of Ukraine, confirmation of the drug manufacturer according to the registration certificate (shipping documentation, labeling).
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