Kazakhstan. 24 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Are Allowed To Launch New Facilities

24 manufacturers of medicinal products and medical devices in Kazakhstan will be able to launch a new or upgrade their existing production facility as a result of guaranteed ten-year state order for pharmaceutical products.

The companies were selected in an open tender for the conclusion of long-term contracts with TOO CK-Pharmacia (SK-Pharmacy LLP), the Single Distributor for procurement of medicines and medical devices.

The guaranteed market outlet for pharmaceutical products through state orders for the period of ten years allows manufacturers to attract new investments in the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan while finding the necessary resources to upgrade or build their pharmaceutical plants in accordance with GMP standards.

In the tender announced on April 11, 2017, the manufacturers had the opportunity to state their intention to manufacture any of 772 medicinal products and 1367 medical devices. By the time of opening the bids, the organizers received 48 applications from 44 potential suppliers.

Now, the winners will sign the long-term contracts for delivery of 523 drugs and 389 medical devices awarded following the tender.

The companies will have five years to implement the projects, after which the manufacturers will have to start supplying high-quality and locally produced medicinal products and medical devices to the hospitals in Kazakhstan through the Single Distributor.

Source: GMPnews
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