Russia. Analysis of Key Pharmaceutical Market Indicators


The year 2016 saw the Russian pharmaceutical market grow by 6.7 percent in ruble terms while decreasing by 3 percent in US dollar terms due to a weaker weighted average ruble exchange rate. In 2016 the market saw a positive growth mainly due to the growth in sales (in ruble terms) in 4Q 2016.

Market size forecast for 2017 (in ruble terms):

  1. DSM Group: up by 8-9 percent. According to the forecast, the growth will be primarily driven by sales in the commercial segment.
  2. RNC Pharma: up by 10 percent. It is expected that higher consumption, combined with inflation, will be a key driver for growth.
  3. QuintilesIMS: up by 9.2 percent.

Picture 1. Pharmaceutical Market trends in Russia

Source: Deloitte
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