Ukraine. Cancellation of the Orders on the Marginal Wholesale Prices for Insulin Medicines

Due to the change of the implementation timeline for the Pilot Project on State Regulation of Prices for Insulin Medicines (for more details refer to Issue No.30 of the Pharma Bulletin for March 2014), the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine (the “MHU”) approved Order No.242 dated 2 April 2014 “On Invalidation of Order of Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No.89 dated 30 January 2014” (which set up the marginal wholesale prices for insulin medicines).

Also, Draft Order of the MHU “On Invalidation of Order of Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No.57 dated 21 January 2014” was put forward for public hearing. Order of the MHU No.57 dated 21 January 2014 established the Procedure of determination of marginal wholesale prices level for insulin medicines based on the comparative (referent) prices for such medicines.

Source: KPMG-Ukraine
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