Pharma Markets Access in Europe, MENA, Asia

Uzbekistan to Open a Chain of Social Pharmacies

The Ministry of Health of the Republic, the State Unitary Enterprise O'zmedimpeks, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of the regions and the city of Tashkent, until January 1, 2018, are instructed to approve the dislocation of social pharmacies on the basis of state health institutions (district (city) medical associations, rural family clinics, rural medical stations).

This follows from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Shavakt Mirziyoyev on November 7, 2017.

Their functioning should be provided by December 1, 2018.

The necessary funds for equipping social pharmacies will be sent from the non-budgetary Fund for the Development of the Material and Technical Base of Educational and Medical Institutions. The local budget will finance overhaul, as well as engineering infrastructure, landscaping and development of project documentation for pharmacies.

The Ministry of Health and the State Committee of Uzbekistan for the promotion of privatized enterprises and the development of competition are called upon to provide, under the orders of "O'zmedimpeks" SUE, the granting of premises and other property of state property for free use, including for the creation of social pharmacies.

Source: UZ
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